Friday, February 26, 2021

😭BREAKING NEWS: a FUTO student commits suicide!


It was released on Sipisi media a Press group in the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) Imo State 
that a student from Anambra state who happens to be in 100L, Chemistry Department of that institution committed suicide.

The diseased, a young boy of 18, Daniel Uchenna Nwafor  who happened to have been  diagnosed of some health infections was found dead in his room at a lodge in Umuchima.

The Young man who just packed into his new lodge not up to a week, was companied by his mother for about 6days died 2 days after his mother left.

According to sources, The late Uchenna was said to have been undergoing some things on the the mind which led to his death.

The news report by that same source also added that the Young boy left a note for his mother which was later arraigned by the Police.

On this Note, we urge every Futo Student to embrace the attitude of Talking to someone when you feel depressed.

Kindly Report any Threatening situation, Harassment, Depression etc to any Sipisi Media Admins, SUG officials or the MAN O' WAR for quick action. Sipisi media finally urged.

Please follow us for daily reports on education, entertainment and general information. Also help us kindly share this information to let others know of this, remember too that sharing is caring.

1 comment:

  1. Quite unfortunate

    This is why we really need to speak up every time we feel depressed.


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