Saturday, April 18, 2020


At the outbreak of the Corona virus (covid-19) in China many took it very lightly, some places like Africa reportedly believed that their Gene and climate would not allow the progress of the virus in their continent. But today it is no longer news that the Corona virus has affected virtually all countries either directly or indirectly. And the painful thing to most people in the affected countries is the partial or total lock down they now experience.

Remember that De pauli academic catalyst is committed to your all round academic and social growth, that is why we built this post for you.
1. Don't be too anxious about the current situation, but always maintain a positive attitude. You know what? You can never avoid a little feeling of anxiety, but don't get yourself into this thought that you begin to even die inside, remember that even your greatest worries as it were can never solve the situation. So positivity is the key word here!

2. Don't ever be idle, remain active. This is where I will exaggerate a little while because many have turned the current lock down into mental lock down and even a lock down on all activities for instance, have you forfeited you regular daily physical exercise just because you do them out doors? Have you abandoned personal studies as a student just because you don't longer attend classes?    Keep your response in heart and see what can help.

a. Use the current Lock down as an opportunity to perform physical exercises to a fuller sense than you used to, press up, jugging, skipping, etc are exercises you can still do indoors, try to involve family members to this activities for maximum pleasure and fun. Use your leisure times to have active fun you enjoy while indoors.

b. Try to still stay informed and educated, just imagine returning back to school or work and not been able to relate to common concepts you once had on your finger tips. That can happen when there is no proper practice and reminder. Recently in Enugu state of Nigeria, the Government introduced what is known as radio school for primary and secondary School students, so anywhere you have programs such as this don't fail to take good advantage of it. Some are also taking online courses, yeah it is awesome and very very encouraging, check out some courses you can learn online from different sites like "Google digital skill for Africa" and the most important thing in this studies is that you graduate with a certificate and most of the courses are free of charge, you don't pay any penny for them, only your data and time which you evidently have in abundance in this lock down is needed. Also personal studies and research, very very effective means of learning fast, you might be surprised to find out that there are books there at home you have not given keen attention if you take your time to search for them and study them , research on different matters whether for academic purposes or to top knowledge, read inspirational books, read educative works, read entertaining works, read books related to your field of endeavors. The key thing here is "no knowledge is a waste".

3. Don't be far in communication with others: Be at home, observe social distance but please be close to families and friends through use of modern technological means of communication like Wattsapp video call, zoom video conferencing, Skype, even regular normal phone calls can make them know you still care for  and such things encourage relationships. If you're a parent this is a great opportunity to draw closer to your children and get to know them better.
Indeed open communication is needed in every home, so use this period to build on that. The key thing here is "Keep communication as open and as regular as possible".

Remember that after this Lock down everyone will return to normal activities, some with sighing for the time wasted but others with deep inner satisfaction for having used the lock down time wisely, choose now where to side.
Try to learn something positive from every unpleasant situation.

Please don't fail to drop your own ideas on beneficial activities one can  engage in during this Lock down, also please "like" and share this post if it benefits you at all. Thanks for visiting De Pauli academic catalyst!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Ooh Corona

Finally a young emotional Nigerian has released an audio poem that expresses the hearts of many as regards the pandemic outbreak of the Corona virus. Satisfy your curiosity
Download and listen to the poem

crypto planet